Thanks for visiting my website. Peace to you!

Are you a driven, ambitious man?

Are you a man of faith?

Well, if you are like most driven men...

...let's be honest, even most men of faith...

...you want to be in control of yourself...and your life.

You want to be in charge at work and the one calling the shots.

You want to feel like you are doing it your way in your personal life.

...crushing the goals you have for yourself...whether they relate to fitness or family or finances...

...achieving the happiness and success that we may all say we want.

But maybe you've wrestled with these questions:

"Am I really a fraud? Do I really have any idea what true success looks like or real happiness means?"
“Where does God and my faith fit into all this? How do I develop habits and systematically set and achieve goals that will bring me greater personal satisfaction, professional success, and enjoyment in my life? And how do I do this in a way that brings honor to God and provides good for the world?"
Can I be ambitious and driven and want to accomplish big things in my life without being overwhelmed by greed, envy, or anxiety? Is it possible to pursue my God-given potential and be possessed by God's peace and a sense of His power working in and through me?

If you’ve ever seriously asked yourself those questions, I get it.

I've been there.

I am still there.

And I think I can help you.