Since I work primarily with men who are faith-driven (though I will never turn away any man of good will), my coaching focuses on three priorities: identifying your God-given purpose, elevating your performance and productivity (in a God-honoring way), and experiencing greater peace in your relationship with God.

I am a Sacred Drive / Relentless Solution Focus™ Certified Performance Coach. What that means is that I am fully trained and approved to integrate the principles of Vaughn Kohler's book Sacred Drive with the outstanding principles and practices of the Relentless Solution Focus™ mindset (Based on the New York Times Bestselling book by Drs. Jason Selk and Ellen Reed). In other words, I can help you pursue your God-given potential; to take control of your life by giving control to God!


I help you articulate your vision for your life, your unique mission, your chosen identity, and your most important priorities. I want to help you overcome uncertainty and anxiety and move forward with confidence and enthusiasm.


I help you pinpoint your interests, identify meaningful goals, impose a structure, establish a routine, and identify the daily habits that will help you go after what you want - whether that is a personal passion or professional accomplishment.


I help you overcome apathy, clarify confusion, and power through moments of discouragement and self doubt. It is my honor, privilege, and passion to help you become who you are meant to be and do what you are meant to do!


There are significant benefits to your life when you sign up for my 1-on-1 faith-driven performance coaching.

Here are a few to consider:

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    You will develop a high-performing mindset; learning to think positively, solve problems, and reach your full God-given potential by focusing on trusting God and finding solutions instead of dwelling on problems.

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    You will learn to overcome negative thoughts by trusting God and quickly finding solutions; to improve your well-being and performance, always looking for ways to improve your performance, to honor God and do good in the world.

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    You will learn to stop thinking about problems and start thinking about solutions; which, in spiritual terms, basically means to start approaching everything in your life from the perspective of faith, not fear.

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    You will learn to surrender your life and your plans to God; as I result, you will experience more consistent peace and happiness as you let God guide your success; and this won't just benefit your soul. In addition, your body will produce endorphins which will make you feel better and think more clearly.

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    You will learn to overcome challenges by taking small steps, staying positive, and never giving up, just like successful people who always find ways to improve....except you are going to do this, not by vainly trusting in your own strength and abilities, but actively trusting in the power and goodness of God.

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    You will learn to break down big problems into smaller steps, so you don't feel overwhelmed. In addition, you'll learn to take small actions to make progress in your family life, at work, in the gym, or any other area of your life. You'll learn that what St. Therese of Liseux taught is true: "we make progress by doing little acts with great love."

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    You'll learn how to achieve more success in your life by setting goals, staying focused, and taking actions that align with what's important to you. I'll teach you the Framework for Achievement: "Vision + Integrity = Happiness" to make sure you keep moving forward.

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    You'll learn to celebrate your successes, learn from your mistakes, and always try to improve yourself, just like successful people who never stop growing and becoming better. But through all that, I will encourage you to give thanks to God for everything in your life, and to work hard to be a better steward of the blessings God has given you: your time, talent, treasure, etc.

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    You'll learn to boost your mental strength, focus, and confidence with the Mental Workout, a quick exercise that helps you stay ready for success by taking a few minutes each day to breathe, set goals, and visualize your success. The great thing about the Mental Workout is that it can be easily integrated into your daily time with God. I'm excited to teach you about it.

Cyn Silva
“I am literally nothing compared to Cale Arnold. Next to him, they should call me 'The Pebble.'
CEO of A Bunch fo Really Successful Stuff and an Actor
Vaughn Kohler

What I offer is unique.

I offer faith-driven performance coaching.

I want to help you identify your purpose and elevate your performance and productivity; but unlike other performance coaches who might not have a faith commitment, I want you to do those things in a way that honors God and does good in the world.

In addition to being a performance coach, I serve as Vice President of Sales for DMS Health Technologies. Throughout the years, I've worked as a business development director in the medical equipment industry, a service manager for Cintas, and have even done stints in personal training and real estate. I have business and entrepreneurship, as well as fitness, in my DNA. I bring that to the table, in order to help you with your professional and physical goals.

I'm excited about the possibility of working with you. But you need to understand this: I am a coach. I am not a trained counselor, psychologist, or mental health professional; nor can I refer you to one. If you have clinical issues, you will have to look elsewhere for help.


What you get when you sign up for one-on-one coaching:

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    Two 30-minute sessions per month; these will generally occur every two weeks

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    Regular access to me through text and email; I do my best to be accessible to my clients through the wins and losses, ups and downs of their lives

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    A free digital copy of Vaughn Kohler's book, Sacred Drive: Biblical Principles for Pursuing Your God-Given Potential, as well as a digital copy of Relentless Solution Focus: Train Your Mind to Conquer Stress, Anxiety, and Underperformance by Drs. Jason Selk and Ellen Reed.

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    Automatic access to Sacred Drive online class that is offered periodically throughou the year.


What you can expect from the coaching sessions:

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    Early on, I will give you the opportunity to share your own story and background, filling in whatever details you think are helpful for me to know. I will use this information to help you identify your overall life purpose and choose long-term priorities, as well as craft your "Identify Statement."

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    We will work together to zero in on one main goal that will move you forward toward fulfilling your God-given potential and experiencing the kind of life that God meant you to live. This goal may be personal, professional, physical, or spiritual. Once you accomplish that goal, we will decide whether there is a relevant "next level" goal or choose an entirely different goal in another area of your life. The key is to "stack wins" or, put another way, achieve goal after goal to continue becoming the person God made you to be and making the most of your life for his glory and the good of the world.

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    We will regularly review your "process goals," which are the habits and tasks that you need to execute in order to accomplish your goals. I will provide accountability, encouragement, and feedback to keep you on track.

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    We will regularly review your daily habits, whether you are being faithful to spend time with the Lord in prayer, Scripture reading, and engaging in other important spiritual disciplines. In addition, I'll encourage you to continue using essential mindset tools, like The Success Log and The Mental Workout

What People Are Saying

Five Stars
"Cale Arnold offers two important things that every man needs: genuine concern for the souls of his clients,
and expert ability to help them better their lives. What more could you ask for? Work with Cale = WIN."
performance coach AND AUTHOR OF



Should we agree to work together, I would like you to commit to at least four months - as we will need time to build our relationship and formulate the best plan for helping you. (I will not require 4 months payment at once. This will be on an honor system. I will take you at your word.)

The next step is to complete and submit this online application form.

Once you do, please allow 7-10 business days for me to respond.

Also, please understand that I want to fully invest myself in my clients; therefore, I am only accepting a limited number of men and women at this time; so you may be placed on a waiting list.

I do appreciate you taking the time to apply, and I look forward to the possibility of working together!